Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh My Jakob, My Jakob!

You are growing up!

Jakob has turned into quite the little man. There is so much to say about him that I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll just start with the events of 5 minutes ago. Jakob has been gone all day with his beloved cousins and grandparents. They went to Glenn Canyon Dam and a Dinosaur Exhibit. I don't know how this is possible, but I miss him when he is gone for a while (I should just Enjoy every quiet moment.) Anyway, when I finally tracked him down he was on his way out to the green house to play hide n' seek with everyone. I snatched him up in my arms and was stealing a hug and a kiss and all the while he kept saying "Only a second Mama, Only a second!" He was so anxious about being pulled away from the fun. This is how it is, I feel like the days and weeks are "only a second!" Time keeps rolling forward...

Jakob is a product of my organized madness. He requires planned out days and he insists on knowing the plans ahead of time so he can look forward to them and remind up of the plans up to each event. If there isn't anything "planned" he says that he is bored. From the moment that Jakob learned the word bored I taught him that being bored is a choice. You can figure out something to pass the time (I often tease him that he can stare at the wall and make up a story in his mind) or, he can choose to be bored and miserable. We lean towards the first option in our house.

Jakob loves to play with other kids. He is so anxious to have Caleb big enough to play with. Sometimes he gets impatient and tries to wrestle or play catch four year old style with Caleb. However, this only leads to a fussy Caleb and an Ornery and Bossy Mama!

List leads us to the other spectrum of life with Jakob. Ornery and Bossy! On Sunday I was SO Weary of bossing Jakob around and getting after him that I finally just sat him down and told him that Mama and Papa were done being ornery and bossy. It was his job to follow the directions given so that we could be fun, playful, and cheerful. The rest of the day went better thanks to Jakob's logic ability. Some days are good. Some days are a nightmare. It all depends on every one's moods and what events are on the calender.

Well, I am going to end so I can go outside and play a bit with everyone. That is an easy way to win Jakob's heart for a little while. I snag the chance as often as I can. Sure wish I did it more often... But every second counts, Right?

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