Monday, February 16, 2009

My Boy, My Boy!

I feel bad about how long it has been since I've written here. At least I try to keep things posted on the family blog too...

Jakob has transitioned from my little boy, to My Boy! He just celebrated his "Half Birthday" in school last week. His birthday is in the summer. So they let him bring birthday treats on his half birthday. So he is four and a half! WOWSERS!

My Jakob is so precious! He has a very strong mind. I am so grateful for this!!!! He has mastered his alphabet and it looks like he's doing great with his numbers too. The other day he brought me a jet and he said "Mama, this is a U S A F F 1 4 , that mean USAirforce!" He then proceeded to ramble on and on about all of the other jets and their numbers and names that go along with them. I am amazed at how much he retains from what he learns each day. He is a sponge when it comes to new words too. If I say a word he doesn't register, he'll stop me and asks me to explain it. I LOVE IT!! I pray that he will always Love to learn just like his parents!!
A while ago I was sitting in the rocking chair nursing Caleb. Jakob came in and told me that his Frisbee was caught in the tree and he needed help getting it down. I told him I would help him in a minute. Not a minute later I heard a series of loud noises on the stairs outside. But I didn't hear any crying for help. So I continued feeding Caleb. I went outside after I was done and this is what I saw. Jakob had pulled his kitchen stool ALL THE WAY down the stairs, across the graveled ground, under the tree. He established the classic object lesson for the future of "Where There's a Will, There's a Way!" PERFECT!
Jakob has a Book of Mormon hero. He has a few that he talks about. But Ammon is his current Book of Mormon hero. When Jakob does a special chore or a kind deed, he earns a Bonus Buck. Jakob found the BOM Heros at the church book store and he decided to use his first round of Bonus Bucks on a Ammon action figure. He loves the story of Ammon (especially the cutting off arms with a sword part;) He chose a Lamanite Warrior with the next round of Bonus Bucks. Ammon needed someone to fight.:) This last time I was surprised to find that Jakob wanted a Angel Moroni statue. He was so excited to go home and pull out his blocks from behind the wall and build a temple for Angel Moroni to stand on. He did too. It was especially fun to be able to read the story of when Angel Moroni taught Joseph Smith about the gold plates. Jakob thought that was so neat! I love that Jakob still feels the precious light that comes from the gospel and all of the prophets and their stories. On occasion Jakob will climb into bed with me in the morning while I'm reading my scriptures and he will say "read about Ammon!" Lately we have read about Father Lehi's last words to his children. Jakob thought it was pretty neat when I read about young Jacob.

I Love my Jakob! He is a Jewel in our family. He LOVES being a brother. I look forward to the time when he will have more brothers and sisters to love. He and Caleb still love to wrestle together. But Jakob also really enjoys the quiet times when he asks us to let him hold Caleb in the rocking chair. It is precious to watch them together.

Before I know it My Jakob will be a Deacon... and then a missionary... WOW!

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