Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Low Pain Threshhold

Jakob has inherited something interesting from Leif. He has a low pain threshhold. I didn't really recognize that Leif has issues with pain or extreme painful emotions until I was experiencing my miscarriage. When we realized what was happening I immediately asked Leif and his dad to give me a blessing. My sweet hubby was so overcome by it all that he passed out in the middle of the blessing. He then shared a series of experiences from his life where he passed out due to pain.

Well, Leif and Jakob were wrestling over the Christmas break and Jakob suddenly hit his head really hard on the ground. Leif sat him up and I saw Jakob's face go white. Then his body just went limp. He passed out right there. I was shocked! Poor little guy. He woke up quickly and was alright after a half hour or so.

Something similar happened tonight. He was doing a somersault and his back hit the corner of our bed frame really hard. We picked him up and recognized the signs right away. He goes WHITE and weak. Leif laid him down flat and I fanned him. He didn't pass out because he was laying down. But he was weak for a while.

This is a very interesting thing to me.... We'll have to let his teachers know what to look for as he goes to school.

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