Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Sweet and Funny Boy!

I have tried to pay attention to all of the great and funny things that Jakob has done and said this week. I haven't been able to archive all of them in my brain, but these are some of the best:

This is a conversation between Jakob and I as we are driving to preschool. You will love or hate my answer to his question, so beware:)

Jakob: Mom, did Jesus make Caleb?
Lena: Well, Heavenly Father made Caleb's spirit and Mama and Papa made Caleb's body.
Jakob: You Did!? Wow! How did you make Caleb?
Lena: Well... we just put a couple of things together and we made Caleb.
Jakob: Wow! Your Incredible!!
- Sure hope he always thinks we're incredible!:)

As a family we play "The Question Game." It's a game where you ask a question and everyone gets to answer. Each person gets the chance to make up a question. Jakob loves this game and he actually comes up with some of the best questions. The last time we played this game was while we made breakfast together. This was Jakob's cutest answer:

Jakob: What is your favorite kind of bread?
Lena: Probably Multi-grain
Lena: What is your favorite kind of bread?
Jakob: Probably hairy-wheat
- Loved it!:):)

Jakob and I also play the "School Question Game." This is just the The Question Game, except the questions pertain more to scholastic things. Jakob did a great job at answering some of the questions I last asked him.

Lena: What color is the Sky?
Jakob: Blue
Lena: What other colors can the sky be?
Jakob: White and gray
Lena: What shape is the sun? A Roof? and a House?
Jakob: Circle, Triangle, rectangle and a square
Lena: If I have one piece of bread (we were making toast, so I had visuals) and I add one more piece of bread how many do I have?
Jakob: two!
Lena: What if I add one more piece of bread?
Jakob: Three!
I try to encourage Jakob to play outside as much as possible these days, before the weather gets too cold. This morning he told me that he was going to go out and get a rope to play with (he likes to play Cowboy.) Instead he came in with a 7 foot long bamboo stick from Grandpa's bamboo garden. I had to laugh, as well as wonder how in the world he got it up the stairs and around the corner into our front door.

Where there's a will, there's a way!

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