Thursday, August 21, 2008

Take Time To Look At The Stars

Jakob is definitely growing up. Sometimes that's a fun thing, sometime it's a sad thing...

Jakob will mirror what ever mood I am in or what ever tone or reaction that I give to him when we're communicating. So, it's up to me to help maintain harmony in the home.

I just discovered that I am extremely iron deficient. As I've looked into it a bit, I wonder if Jakob has the same problem. Kid's are supposed to have at least 10 mg of Iron per day. As I calculated he is only getting about 2-4 mg and then we have to hope that it is all absorbed into his system. So, I just ordered some liquid iron that has vitamin C combined into it. Iron with vitamin C is 50% more likely to absorb into the body. If it is in a liquid form, that increases the chances even more.

Jakob is very excited to turn four years old at the end of this month. He looks forward to his birthday party and has been practicing to hit a pinata' for the game at the party. He of course eat sleeps and dreams the idea that he will hopefully be getting new jets and dinosaurs for his birthday. Mama hopes for just a few new toys and more books and maybe some fun necessities like cool unddies or something for school:) We'll see what the birthday bunny drops in.:)

We made birthday party invitations together. He drew pictures on all of the cards and I wrote all of the information. We then walked them around to all of the families when Leif got home.

Last night we actually went to my first YW night and it just happened to be a birthday party and our little families were invited. As we were walking home in the dark Jakob REALLY wanted to lay down on the grass and look at the shooting stars. Like I said, he's growing up...

We came home and Leif and I laid on the grass with him and looked at the stars until Caleb had enough. Leif then did his story time out on the porch under the stars. I'm glad we took hold of the moment.

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