Monday, March 30, 2009

He Is So Kind

Ahhh, My Sweet Jakob! Some nights I feel bad after Jakob goes to sleep because I just wasn't all that nice to Jakob that day. He deserves a nice mom all the time;) But, guess he's stuck with me.:) Lucky Me!!

It is not an uncommon occurrence to have Jakob walk in the house after I have cleaned things up to hear him say "Sure looks nice mama, thanks!" Or, if I give Jakob something to eat that he really likes, he'll often say, "Thanks so much Mama!" What mother wouldn't melt at such genuine kindness?

Jakob's Dinosaur's Among the Nephites came in the mail this weekend. He was in heaven! It just happened to come as we were on our way to the library for Story Time. The librarian made a point of showing it off. We all thought that was pretty neat! The book has been wonderful. It's nice to be able to open it up and have three different directions I can go in our story time.

Jakob's growing up. I can't believe this school year is almost over. He has learned SO MUCH this year. When he started I felt bad because he couldn't hold his pencil correctly. Now he can wrote every letter of the alphabet, name them, AND Sing Them BACKWARDS! YES! He still needs his classmates and teacher to finish the whole song. But I am thrilled that he can even comprehend them that well! He's working on numbers and math now. He understands the basic concept of add and subtract. Leif and him have fun playing math games. He'll be beyond my skills before I know it!

I Love My Jakob!!! SO MUCH!

One last story:

I was working on the computer this evening while Jakob was in the shower. Leif was sitting next to me and Jakob started calling something over and over from the shower. Leif finally went in to find out what he was saying. He came back shaking his head and told me that Jakob wanted me to come and read scriptures to him while he was in the shower. :) Yep! That makes a mama smile!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I can so relate to your feelings of being a nice mom all the time. Isn't it wonderful that our children are so forgiving and easily forget the ogre mommies that we sometimes can be. Thanks for being honest and encouraging all of us to be better. Love you!