Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Looking Back On The Trip

Jakob and I were writing about what he enjoyed while on his trip this last weekend. But something happened and we didn't finish the entry and it got erased. So, I'll fill in the blanks.

Jakob had a great time playing with his cousins Derek, Victoria, and Nick. He loved being with Aunt "Uh-oh" (Aunt Larissa) and Grandma and Grandpa Baron. They went to visit Promintory Point and explored the trains, they played at the Canyon Home, they visited a Dinosaur Museum, and a whole lot more.

It was like an early Christmas as we went through Jakob's bags upon his arrival home. G&G Baron sure took good care of him!;) He got a dinosaur, a few jets, a book, two pairs of shoes, belts, a balloon dinosaur kit for he and Leif to make balloon dinosaurs with, and I'm sure there's more that I haven't mentioned. Thank you so much everyone for helping Jakob have another great Summer Trip! It was a blessing for our whole little family!

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