Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Potty Training: Poop Nightmares!

I HATE Potty Training! Guess I better get a better attitude huh!? I don't mind it if Jakob's having a good day. But the days that he doesn't care about pooping in his undies is a nightmare! Three times in one day!!! We don't spank or strike Jakob in any way (sometimes it's tempting:) So I've resorted to a long time out with him wearing a "baby diaper" in his room (so he doesn't go again while he's having quiet time).

We had a bye bye diaper party when we decided to get rid of the diapers. So he knows that diapers are only for babies. He also hates time outs. I can't say it's the perfect solution, but it's what we're doing until I can figure out a better way or get Jakob to continually go in the toilet.

The potty watch is still a great help. However, he doesn't really like it on his wrist for very long so we let him take it off unless we're out of the house.

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