Monday, June 16, 2008

June: Fever Details

We knew that Jakob was getting sick while he was playing in Silver Dollar City, MO. riding the rides. It was Friday June 6,2008. He seemed lethargic and pale. I worried that he was going to get sick on the rides.

He already had hives that started the day we left home May 23,2008. On Saturday Morning 6/7 he woke up with a high fever(no thermometer)He came in to our room with a stomachache. It seemed to be more painful then nauseated. But he did throw up twice within those first couple of hours. That whole day he was sick and tired. I was surprised to have him eat lunch though. His stomachache subsided. My aunt noticed that he was limping. We observed it later and asked him what was wrong and he said that his knee was hurting.

His fever lasted until Monday 6/9. It seemed to fluctuate in temp. But it was noticeable. His knee pain and stomach seemed to feel better sooner then the fever.

The most frustrating part about this episode was Jakob's behavior. There was very little reasoning with him. Everything that was a "No" ended in a melt down. His mood and skin rash didn't go away until we got back home on 6/13.

Another really frustrating thing is that he had no signs of a cold during his fever. But he started in with a runny nose and cough on 6/11. He still has it. Caleb caught it too.

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