Friday, June 27, 2008

Having a good week!

Jakob has had a good week. There have been a few rough moments. But overall I think he's doing well. After talking together about preschool and the requirement to be potty trained he has pretty much had no problem going to the toilet. He really likes the little incentives that he earns. But I think he's well on his way to being able to recognize the need and go to the toilet on his own. It is a huge relief! I truly hope he continues to progress!

His health has been fine. He had the bad nights earlier this week. But he's slept well and been agreeable enough to say things are fine. I sure wish there were more playmates for him toplay with. But we're surviving!

Jakob's passions right now are: Jets, Dinosaurs, Cars, and Story telling.
His classic sayings are: "Mama, I'm tired, hungry, and bored."
His favorite foods are: Whole wheat bagels and honey.
His dislikes are: Not having anyone to play with, having to wait for grandma to get home from work, and being told No.
Our favorite moments with Jakob are: having him climb in bed with us in the morning and ask to have "family hug", watching him dance, to see his smile brighten as he talks with Caleb, and to listen to him and Papa make up bedtime stories.

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