Thursday, April 14, 2016

the first crazy days in hawaii

Aloha readers I just got to Hawaii its been fun and its been stressful
So here's a brief summary of the first day's,
drive to Arizonia stay there go to las vegas airport go thrue securaty and so forth
then whate then get on board plane whate start flyen Exiting then boring as flight goes on but landing exiding but then getten off means getten bags and takeing buses back and forth to a car rental Then load up the bags (by here were yellen at each other and completly exousted.)Eat drive a hour to are arpartment and go to bed ohh and add 3 hour time change.Next days we find cars that stink literly! well that the bad stuff but other words the beaches are great and I'm having fun It's Paradise what could go Wrong?

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