Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just Thinking About My Jakob

My Jakob is growing up. He is 4 1/2 and is anxiously waiting for Kindergarten in the Fall. He does and says so many funny and cute things all day every day. There's no way I can remember everything. But tonight I want to try to recall some of them. Let's see...

Jakob has a funny problem. He puts EVERYTHING on backwards when he dresses himself. I have resigned myself to the fact that he can survive with his undies on backwards. Maybe even his shirt. But I have to put my foot down when he walks in with his Levis on backward. Seriously, he has no idea that they are on backward. Most of the time with his pants he'll start whining because they aren't going on easily. Then I pay attention and realize what's happening and try to help him. It is funny (most of the time:)

Jakob has another funny problem. He hasn't quite grasped the concept of time yet. We've concluded that he kind of has two days within one day. Morning to nap time and nap time to bed time. Any time he wakes up he calls to us and says "Morning Time???" It's funny.

Jakob is an Excellent big brother! In fact, he loves being a brother so much he keeps telling me that we're supposed to have LOTS of kids. I wish it were all just that easy! Jakob loves to play with Caleb (most of the time.) They play peek a boo and even have wrestling matches every once in a while.

Jakob is very expressive. He fits the title of his blog well. He is my echo. What ever expressive words I say he's picked up. The latest is "Oh my heck!" He's also picked one up from a show. Now he says "Oh my heck on earth!" A combination of Oh my heck and What on earth. He often responds to something by saying "Incredible!" He is always making us smile!

Jakob is a well rounded little boy. He talked to his aunt Heather the other day and she asked him what he wanted for Christmas. Among all of the other things on his list, he added a doll house. We hadn't heard that one... Chances are the dolls would be accompanied by dinosaurs. But he would play with all of them. He also enjoys playing with Grandma Baron's pretend dishes. I've tried to introduce him to all kinds of things so he is respectful to girls as well as boys.

Oh! Jakob has mastered writing his name. He is also starting to understand the concept of spelling words.

Here are some of the latest pictures of and from Jakob. He often gets hold of our camera and we see the results when I download the pictures.

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