Sunday, October 5, 2008

We Love Our Jakob!

Jakob is full of all kinds of words and actions. He loves to dance and move. He also loves to spontaneously say funny and off the wall things. To him they make perfect sense. but in reality, they don't fit the context of what he's trying to say. Although, sometimes they do and that's when I'm reminded once again that he's growing up.

Lately, the common phrase is, "I'm not having a good day!" That usually follows a time out or a reprimand. Sometimes he'll set me straight real quick when he says "Mama, I like your nice voice!" The cute phrase recently has been, "I've got talent!" You can read the story that goes along with this on our family blog.

Some of the struggles that we've had recently are mostly just normal 4 year old antics. Overall, Jakob is a really good boy. Honestly, most of our struggles probably stem from me not being able to control my frustration. If I could master that and not raise my voice, Jakob would probably be a lot happier.

I should tell you all of the things that he is doing, asking, and saying as I type this. Right now he is asking me to find him a page in the coloring book that he hasn't colored "when he was a baby." A minute ago he asked me to sing "life is but a dream" (Row Row Row Your Boat.) Before that he asked me to sing "ducks came waddling back" (Five Little Ducks)

As I have written this post he's played with his cars and colored many different pictures on his Magnadoodle. The cutest picture being Mr. Potato Head and his Friend. He wrote several random letters and numbers on the picture and asked me what they spelled. He got very upset when I kept saying the letters and numbers individually. I then had to explain to him that sometimes letters and numbers only mean their own names, and sometimes when they are put together they spell a word. I only wish that were the hardest scholastic lesson that I have to look forward to!

Well, he's done coloring. Caleb is asleep, so now it's time to go to bed! We'll clean up toys and read scriptures. Papa will tell him a story (made up by Leif), we will all pray together, I will leave and Leif and Jakob will finish the routine with the rhyming game.
The above photo is of Jakob after he fixed his own hair before leaving for church.

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