Thursday, August 7, 2008

In Jakob's Words

Jakob was sitting on my lap and I decided to write what he was saying:

We're going to write about Jets: "uh tell jakob I want to fly on airplane. jakob wants to go on an airplane...and be a pilot. and I want to get new jet. now what... I like jets."

What do you want to do for your birthday? "have a dinosaur stegosaurus, and a pinata' and I want a stegosaurus for my birthday. uhh a tyrannosaurus rex, now lets buy a dinosaur and tell I want a jet and mamas puter (computer) is magic!

what about school? "I don't know about school." What are you going to do? "Play... em (them) have dinosaurs too. I gonna play dinosaurs.

Prise (surprise) me with a jet. buy a jet... prise me!! Mama, you just did? mama answer me.... "

Jakob knows that I do a lot of our shopping online on the computer. We "window" shopped for a jet this morning and he is hoping I will surprise him by buying one of the jets.

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