Friday, July 11, 2008

Healthy, Happy, Lonely, But Smiling!

It's been a long time since I blogged for jakob. That's not because there hasn't been anything going on. There is always something going on. The good news is that Jakob is the only family member who hasn't caught the infections going around our little house. I really hope that continues to be the case. And no fevers yet this month. Hope that stays the same too.

Jakob is doing well! He has pretty much mastered potty training. He struggles a bit if he's away from home. But I think he'll overcome that soon. I wish we had someone for jakob to play with really close by. With it being summer time his little friends around town seem to be out of town a lot. I even got crazy enough this morning to ponder the idea of nannying again just so Jakob would have someone to play with. It's still floating around in my head, but I think I will let it go. Although, we could maybe look for someone with a cottage we could live in as we worked for them... I'll let the Lord dictate that path. I'm sure I'll do some investigating if the thought doesn't go away.

Other then being lonely Jakob seems to be happy. He still LOVES jets and Dinosaurs. He's really interested in guns and milatry too. I'm not at all excited about that passion. Leif and I finally deided to back off on the gun issue. Jakob was pretending a lot that he was playing guns and he would do it more out of anger when we would get after him. So Leif decided (and I agree) that if we use the playful parenting tactic and say "do I look like a dinosuar to you?" (technically we only want him to pretend he's hunting dinosaurs) or just completely ignore the gun. Then it isn't as exciting to him because there isn't a reaction. This has worked for the most part. I still hate that he even knows about guns or is interested in them. Guns go against everything that Leif and I try to teach Jakob and the spirit that we try to have in our home. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Back to the good things... Jakob still loves to read and now he makes up his own stories (he gets that from Leif). He enjoy having Leif in primary with him on Sunday leading the music as he sings the songs with the other children. His favorite primary song is Scripture Power!

Jakob enjoys having a little brother but he can't wait until they can play together. He talks about how they will have water fights together.

Right now he is getting ready to take a bath in the sink. Thank goodness he is still small and we found a large sink. He weights 29.6 pounds. Just a little guy for being almost 4 (next month.)
We're all excited right now because he took his shirt off by himself. He is a bit behind in that area (undressing and dressing himself) that is my fault I suppose. We're working on it!

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